To successfully apply and be allowed to camp on the Capel Sound Foreshores Reserves, the applicant/Guest acknowledges that they have read and understood these conditions of camping that constitute the terms by which you are permitted to occupy a campsite managed by the Capel Sound Foreshores Committee of Management Inc. (CSF CoM) Any breach of these conditions by any person occupying or visiting your site is deemed to be a breach of the conditions of camping by the Guest.
The Capel Sound Foreshores Committee of Management and its delegated Manager have the authority to terminate any reservation of an occupant upon any breach of these conditions or to cancel a seasonal status as they deem necessary.
Capel Sound Foreshores is an environmental reserve, providing campers, present and future, the opportunity and enjoyment of camping amongst our natural sanctuary, close to Port Phillip Bay. Our camp sites vary in size and may change from year to year as required. There is no guarantee that tents, vans, or vehicles will fit onto any site. It is your responsibility to ensure the selection of a site which will fully contain all your camping requirements.
1. Release and Indemnity
1.1 To the full extent permitted by law, the Guest must release, discharge, and indemnify the State of Victoria, the Committee of Management, and their respective employees, from any and all injury, loss, cost or liability incurred or suffered by the Guest or any person staying with or visiting the Guest in connection with their use and occupation of the Reserve/s and campsite.
1.2 Without limiting clause 1.1, the Guest must ensure that all personal property of the Guest or visitors is always safely stored and secured on the campsite.
2. Camping Application and Terms and Conditions
2.1 Arrival / Check In Time is from 2:00pm. Arrival prior to 2:00pm may incur a surcharge.
Departure / Check Out Time is by Midday.
2.2 Guest or Applicants selection of a particular campsite is not assured. Site selection via the Online platform cannot be guaranteed. CSF CoM can modify a guest’s booking duration and/or their selected site as necessary.
2.3 A site may be occupied by a maximum of six (6) people.
2.4 The keeping of animals of any kind is strictly prohibited within the Capel Sound Foreshores Reserve.
2.5 Seasonal
2.5.1 Seasonal applications & deposit must be received by 30th April of each year. Failure to meet this date will result in
loss of status. Applications after this date will not be accepted. Seasonal time is static and cannot be amended without affecting future bookings.
2.5.2 Final payment for seasonal reservations are by 4.00pm, 1st November each year. Failure to meet this date will result in loss of status.
2.5.3 Transfer of ownership of a seasonal permit is subject to approval by the CSF CoM and can only be to the spouse or legal partner. Documentation may be required to support this request. Any amendments to seasonal permit holders contact details must be received in writing.
2.5.4 The issue of a confirmation letter or receipt does not create the right to its renewal the following or any subsequent year.
2.5.5 No new seasonal camping applications will be accepted. This is subject to a yearly review by the CSF CoM.
2.6 Maximum length of stay is 59 consecutive nights with a maximum of 180 nights per year. This is in line with the Victorian Tenancies Act. (Existing seasonal bookings over this amount will be phased out over time).
3. Camp Site Set-Up
3.1 Camp sites vary in size and may change from year to year as required. There is no guarantee that tents, caravans,
or vehicles will fit onto any site. It is your responsibility to ensure the selection of a site which will fully contain all
your camping requirements. Please note that we are a Foreshore Environment Reserve and not a caravan park.
3.2 The maximum set-up per Campsite is:
2 x Vehicles. Vehicles INCLUDE watercraft such as boats and jet skis;
1 x Caravan with annex/gazebo and one tent or;
1 x large family tent, gazebo and 1 x small tent or;
3 x two-person tents.
3.3 All caravans and trailers must be positioned so that tow hitch (A-frame) is facing the track (vehicle access point)
Motorhome/Bus must be parked front or back towards the track (not across site).
3.4 Any watercraft, trailers and other camping accessories must be contained within the site boundaries. Vehicles or items
that do not fit within the site must be parked off the reserves. Please do not park in the designated visitors parking spaces.
3.5 A minimum unobstructed separation of 1200mm from vegetation and other sites, as well as a unobstructed separation of
2000mm from any buildings at all times.
3.6 No vehicles are to be parked in the separation area between sites or exit tracks.
3.7 Wastewater (including grey water) is to be collected and disposed of within the dump points provided at all amenity
blocks. No Campsite sullage to be fed directly onto ground or vegetation.
3.8 Star pickets are not permitted to be used on or around camp sites by Guests or Applicants.
3.9 No digging on sites. Please keep your equipment on top of the site. This includes no digging in of tyres, posts, levelling
of site, etc.
3.10 No tying of ropes or like to any vegetation or structures including fencing.
3.11 Ground cover must be a breathable material used to cover, by direct contact, a portion of the ground of a site external to a
caravan, annex, or tent (carpet is not permitted). Please limit the use of floor coverings.
3.12 No solid structures (solid decks, hard sided or hard floored annexes, pergolas, solid roofing, etc) to be erected onsite.
3.13 Screens surrounding sites are prohibited. A small ‘temporary’ infant screen may be erected directly alongside the bay trail or
alongside road to prevent infants from having direct access. Infant screens must be set up within site boundaries and not in a
garden bed.
3.14 The use of one (1) 15AMP main supply lead is permitted. Power leads must be inspected and tagged by an authorized person to AS/NZS 3760:2022 compliance. Power leads must not be run across any roadway or access tracks. Any fees associated with electrical failures due to over-loading or sub-standard equipment will be payable directly by you.
3.15 Internal combustion electricity generators are prohibited within the Capel Sound Foreshores Reserve.
4. Vehicles
4.1 The speed limit within the Capel Sound Foreshores reserves is 5km p/h – walking pace.
4.2 All vehicles and caravans must have current Victorian (or other state) road registration. If a van or vehicle is found to be
unregistered, it will be required to be removed from the reserve until it is registered. NOTE - An unregistered vehicle permit
is not acceptable.
4.3 Wheels must be fitted, and tyres always inflated.
4.4 Roadways must be always kept clear and safe.
4.5 The washing of vehicles, caravans, motorhomes, or boats is not permitted.
4.6 Sleeping in cars is prohibited.
5. Vegetation (Flora / Fauna)
5.1 You must not interfere in any way with the flora and fauna found on the Capel Sound Foreshores.
5.2 You must not cut, saw, dig, move, or displace any tree, bough, live or dead timber, wood or other material which may
be in or around the Capel Sound Foreshores reserve.
5.3 The laying of bait or spraying your site with insecticide Is not permitted. Insecticides can be used within your tent,
caravan, or annex only.
5.4 No wires, ropes or similar materials to be attached to any tree, vegetation, water tap or powerhead within the foreshore
5.5 Digging of trenches and holes to level caravans or to set stabiliser legs is prohibited.
5.6 Pot plants and other vegetation are strictly prohibited in campgrounds as they may cause unintended introduction
of non-native plant life to our foreshore vegetation.
6. Animals and Pets
6.1 The keeping of animals and pets of any kind on-site is strictly prohibited.
6.2 Service dogs are permitted to occupy the Campsite, pending the provision of evidence prior to booking that your
dog meets the definition of an assistance dog under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010.
7. Amenities
7.1 Showers must be used sensibly and with due regard to fellow campers and the environment.
7.2 Please use the dump points provided (located at each Amenity Block) to empty and clean your toilet cassette and your grey
water containers. Enzymatic chemicals must be used for toilet cartridges. Do not use normal toilets or hoses for this
7.3 Wipes and nappies must be disposed of in the bins provided outside of the amenity blocks only.
7.3 Cooking or washing of dishes is not permitted in amenity areas or laundries.
7.4 Children under 6 must be accompanied to the showers / toilet by an adult.
7.5 Smoking/vaping is prohibited in all buildings, including amenity blocks and camp kitchen.
8. Rubbish
8.1 General campsite waste only is to be placed in the bins provided. Larger waste items must be removed from the foreshore by
yourselves eg- large boxes, broken camping equipment, white goods etc. Fees may apply if staff are required to remove
items that have been identified as coming from your site.
8.2 Bins must not be removed from their positions.
8.3 All other property must be removed from the site / foreshore at the end of your stay, leaving the site in a clean and tidy
condition. Please ensure cable ties, cigarette butts and other small items are picked up and disposed of appropriately. Where
rubbish / property is required to be removed additional fees will be incurred.
9. Boats/Bicycles/Recreational Equipment
9.1 Any persons riding bicycles within the Capel Sound Foreshores Reserve must always wear a helmet with relevant lighting if
riding at night.
9.2 Privately owned e-scooters cannot be used at Capel Sound Foreshores.
9.3 Bicycles/recreational equipment users must adhere to the speed limit of 5kmh throughout Capel Sound Foreshores and are
not to be ridden in or around structures, i.e. Amenity Blocks/Camp Kitchen and Boardwalks.
9.4 A Mooring Permit is required if you wish to install mooring tackle, for any length of time, within Port Phillip. Permits are issued by Parks Victoria.
10. Fire Safety Requirements
10.1 Fires are strictly prohibited within the Capel Sound Foreshores reserve, or on beaches at any time.
10.2 Naked Flames are prohibited on Total Fire Ban days.
10.3 Solid fuel BBQs are not permitted at any time.
10.4 All camps must have:
A suitable fire extinguisher.
A fire blanket in any cooking area; and
A smoke detector (which complies with the relevant Australian Standards)
10.5 A maximum quantity of 20kg of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) may be stored on any site. Gas cylinders must have all
surrounding ignition sources removed; be secured; on a stable base; vented away from the structure and in locations away
from vents, windows and doors to meet Energy Safe Victoria guidelines.
10.6 Gas Bottles - Relief vent must face away from the caravans.
11. Noise / Behaviour / Alcohol
11.1 All noise audible from the closest site must cease by 11pm.
11.2 Use of bad language, engaging in offensive behaviour or being intoxicated is not permitted within the Capel Sound
Foreshores Reserve.
11.3 Alcohol must be confined to sites for which a camping permit is held.
11.4 Local Council Laws prohibit the consumption of alcohol in public places, i.e. roads, car parks, beaches. On the spot
penalties apply.
12. Breach of Conditions of Camping
If you commit a breach of these Conditions of Camping, the Committee of Management:
12.1 May, but is not obliged to, issue an oral or written warning to you, or
12.2 May terminate your right to occupy a site, without refund.
12.3 In the event that your right to occupy a site is terminated you must immediately vacate the site.
13. Cancellations & Reservation Modifications
13.1 Payments must be made in full prior to occupying the site.
13.2 Rates may change, and surcharges may be introduced without notice.
13.3 Early departures are not refundable.
13.4 Reservation modifications and/or cancellations must be received in writing via email.
13.5 Reservation modifications will incur an administration fee of one night’s tariff.
13.6 Shoulder & Off-Peak Bookings
11.6.1 If cancellation is received more than two (2) weeks prior to reservation arrival date, an administration fee of one
night’s tariff will be incurred.
11.6.2 If cancellation is received less than two (2) weeks prior to reservation arrival date, all monies are non-refundable.
11.6.3 Deposits for Seasonal bookings are non-refundable.
13.7 Peak Season Bookings
11.7.1 If cancellation is received more than four (4) weeks prior to reservation arrival date, an administration fee of one
night’s tariff will be incurred.
11.7.2 If cancellation is received less than four (4) weeks prior to reservation arrival date, all monies are non-refundable.
14.7 Deposits for Seasonal bookings are non-refundable.
14.8 Campsites are non-transferrable and must not be sub-let or loaned.
14.9 Without limiting clause 1, no liability is accepted by the Capel Sound Foreshores Committee of Management for any loss or
damage to property whilst camping on the Reserve.
It is the responsibility of the Foreshore owner under Regulation 40 of the Residential Tenancies (Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings Registration and Standards) Regulations 2024 to inform all campers that Capel Sound Foreshores (Mornington Peninsula) is designated under regulation 803 of the Building Regulations 2006, to be in an area subject to attack by termites.
It is the responsibility of the Foreshore owner under Regulation 24 of the Residential Tenancies (Caravan Parks and Movable Dwellings Registration and Standards) Regulations 2024 to inform all campers that Capel Sound Foreshores is deemed to be in a flood prone area.
Other References:
CFA Regulations
Mornington Peninsula Local Laws
Residential Tenancies Act Coastal Management Act
Energy Safe Victoria
PDF Version of T’s & C’s - click here