Working together planting native vegetation with local school groups

A great few weeks have been had spending the day with local primary and kindergarten groups along with their families.

It was great to see the kids get hand on planting Spinifex (spinifex sericeus), a native grass along our beaches, along with planting various native vegetation such as Correa (correa alba), Tea-Tree’s (leptospermum), Dianella’s (blue-flax-lily), and much more.

It is a great way for the kids to feel connected to the foreshore as they can come back over the next few years to check on how the plants they planted are growing!

All together, roughly 600-700 plants were planted along Capel Sound Foreshores which is an AMAZING effort. We couldn’t have done it without the help from each local school group, educators and families.

Capel Sound Foreshore